De Krim. Goud en geheimen van de Zwarte Zee, Toon Vugts (red.)
Recensent: Vera Weterings

De Tachtigjarige Oorlog. Van opstand naar geregelde oorlog, 1566-1648, Petra Groen (red.)
Recensent: Joost Westerweel

Conquest and Colonisation. The Normans in Britain, 1066-1100, Brian Golding
Recensent: Wouter van Dijk

Brian Golding, Conquest and Colonisation. The Normans in Britain, 1066-1100

Palgrave Macmillan, second revised edition, Basingstoke 2013
ISBN: 978 0 230 27941 4

Paperback, with maps, notes and select bibliography
220 pages

€25, 39 / £20, 99


Defending neutrality. The Netherlands prepares for war, 1900-1925, Wim Klinkert
Recensent: Jelmer Rotteveel

Wim Klinkert, Defending neutrality. The Netherlands prepares for war, 1900-1925

Koninklijke Brill Uitgeverij, Leiden 2013
ISBN: 97 890 04 227 47 7

Hardback, with index, bibliography, glossary of Dutch terms and illustrations in b/w.
History of warfare, Volume 90.

336 pages
€125, 00


Guarded Neutrality. Diplomacy and Internment in the Netherlands during the First World War, Susanne Wolf
Recensent: Jelmer Rotteveel

Patrick Pearse. The making of a revolutionary, Joost Augusteijn
Recensent: Wouter van Dijk

Joost Augusteijn, Patrick Pearse. The making of a revolutionary (Basingstoke 2010)

Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke 2010
ISBN: 978-0-230-27765-6

Illustrations in black and white, family tree, notes, bibliography and index.

428 pages
€ 30, 99 [£ 20, 99]
